No Fun in the Sun!

Dear Sun,

Please do not expect any niceties from me. I won't even try. Why would I be nice to you, when you are only getting more cruel and harsh every passing day?

Have some mercy on us, mere mortals. The heat, the sweat, the dehydration apart, there are so many things that we through, while you sit beaming radiantly.

If summer were all about intolerable heat, it would have still been bearable. But the sweating, that the heat causes is a big, Oh-Oh! The sweat alone wouldn't be of much trouble, if not for the stink it produces after reacting with the bacteria on our body(enough of science), now, that's taking torture to another level. Any form of public transport,long queues, the movie theatres and even official meetings are places you would experience this the most. We can avoid these situations if we have to. But, how do I avoid my own body odour?

Come summer and up goes everything. I am not only talking about our clothes getting shorter, but also our monthly expenses.The answer to the question in the previous paragraph, deodorants and multiple bottles of deodorants are so expensive. The hundred bottles of sunscreen lotions with SPF's greater than 30, do not come cheap. The amounts of money we spend on buying bottles after bottles of water, fresh fruit juice, aerated drinks and coconut water is exorbitant.

The expenses don't stop there. A minute without the fan or A/c and it feels like I am in the Sahara desert, thus the electricity bill is the most dreaded thing in summer. Add to this, additional expenditure of buying the in-vogue sun glasses and skirts  and summery tops. A vacation to a hill station to escape the summer wrath.Gosh! You get my point by now, don't you? We need a special bonus during summer. You can be as harsh as you want, once you arrange for that.

Have you ever considered the plight of a person who owns a two wheeler? How would you know, what it feels like to rest one's behind on a well heated, almost fuming, black leather seat.How?! I sure know how it feels to sit on a frying pan, minus the oil, thanks to you.

It is no different for people who travel by their four wheelers. Cars are like mini furnaces on wheels. We open the door and a gush of hot air welcomes us in, actually repels us out. Your glaring rays and no-tint-on-glasses rule make sure we are sun burnt even within the car. The A/C even on full blast, is of no use, that's how hot you are. No need to beam, I meant the literal hot!

I can go on and on but I am exhausted and dehydrated. The sweat on my forehead and in between my fingers, thanks to the damned power cuts, are making it impossible for me to type any more. I think power cuts are your accomplice in your mission to simmer, burn and boil the whole of humanity.

Please call in your cousin, the rain, every now and then, if you have to be so mean. I beg you to kindly oblige and grant us some respite. I know you won't. I don't know why I am even asking.

Yours' stinkingly,

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.


  1. Lol..I really really REALLY hope that the sun reads this letter :P

    1. I hope so too! :D Haha!
      Thanks for reading love! :)

  2. hahaha.. that sounded more like arvind kejriwal letter :P problem of every living head written justifiably :)

    1. Hehe Ankur, it does look like that now that you pointed it out! :P

  3. This made me smile. And sitting in Delhi, where we are plus 40 degrees already, I could relate to everything you said.
    Good read!

    1. Eee! :D 40 plus? I am glad I am in Bangalore!

      Thanks a lot for reading, Sakshi! :)

  4. Replies
    1. It rained in Bangalore today, maybe the Sun read this letter! :P

    2. And now it rained in Delhi too :p

    3. Wow! My letter is quite effective! :P

  5. Hahaha I echo Monica's comment here.

  6. Hehe this was a good one :D I know the state of two wheeler riders, being one myself! Its becoming unbearable to go out anywhere :(

    1. Seriously! :( Can't sit without the fear of getting burnt! :/

  7. HaHa :) Hope our SunnyBeauty takes care of SweatyBeauty & us :)

    1. I really really hope he does!
      Thanks for reading, Anita! :)

  8. Hahhaha stinking beauty hahahhaha. Here it has been raining since yesterday evening. I am not stinking but I can't get to office without crossing rivers :P

    1. Haha! Wow, it's raining that hard? Send some to us, please? :)

  9. Hehehe... this is too innocent
    I wish sun could read this :p

    1. Haha! :D Thanks a lot Noopur! :)

      Welcome to my blog! :)

  10. Lolol awesome write up pooja. Mr Sun shan't reply soon though :p

    1. Sabeehaaaaaa! :D You are back! :)

      Thanks a lot! :) Missed your comments. How is your revamped room? :D Pictures please! :D


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